We hate to say NO and that defines Krossark better. Our extensive expertise and ability to create the right platforms have enabled us to impress and sustain our clients for a longer run.
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"Hey, do you have a solution to connect with my team on project as I travel around the world?", asked a customer and we said a big YES!
The genesis block is the first block in the Blockchain which is also known as block 0
A blockchain is a decentralized, public, and distributed digital ledger that records transactions across many computers. It's made up of a chain of blocks, each containing a set of data, that are linked together using cryptography.
Blockchain is a distributed database of immutable records called blocks, which are secured using cryptography. Refer to the video to see the various attributes of a block.
Blockchain distributed ledgers are irreversible. Information registered on a distributed ledger cannot be modified whereas on a traditional ledger it is reversible.
Blockchain uses cryptography to secure users’ identities and ensure transactions are done safely with a hash function.